We back at it again! We appreciated if you could leave a 5-star rating and review on iTunes or Stitcher. In this episode, Niram and Niambi talk about Holy Week, date night, Atlanta, March for our Lives commentary, and trauma as a Black Women. Nothing but laughs and real talk! Submit your Black Love Story — Go to https://blaclovematters.com/lovestory/ and we’ll shout you out! We really want to showcase the greatness of black love…
Hit us up!
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1 thought on “EP.120: Holy Week & Pingpong and Love”
Hey hey hey it’s been a minute since I have written in, but I did just re-up my 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 star review. So here I am sitting at work listening to this episode when I heard a few things that made me stop mid work flow and take a second for reflection. First, of several things that had me shook, Niram the fact that you take time to self reflect and have no shame or don’t keep that from your audience is amazing. I couldn’t help but stop and realize how many men we have that can not (let me repeat that) that CAN NOT self reflect in any way shape or form. This threw me for a loop because our society praises this pent up emotion as being manly when I believe in fact it is just harmful.
Second thing during the Atlanta recap ( by the way I need for you guys to stop getting me addicted to shows. First it was This is Us now I’m watching Atlanta) Niambi you said some thing so important and so powerful that I literally sat back at my desk and sipped my coffee. You were talking about Ern and Van and how they had had the talk about what they were doing…. *deep sigh* When you said “he does not understand the implications of his behavior” my whole spirit peeked her head through the window and said message. Now before Niram be ready to beat me up let me say I understand where you are coming from as well. Now with that being said why is it so hard for males to articulate their intentions? Now this is a topic that touches my soul and I am not ready to unpack the emotions tied to it I just really wanted to let ya’ll know it touched something.
Third thing that made me take pause was “everyone likes the guns until black people holding em” again this was just deep so deep. Sorry this was so long couldn’t keep it to myself. Peace and blessings til next time.